Okay okay, I get it. Up to now for the last few years this has been a serious misallocation of valuable internet resources, and I do surely apologize for that. Truth of the matter is, I have a short attention span (oh, and a family, which let me tell you is a serious time sink) so my ability to
give my complete effort and attention give a damn and take the time to research stories like a proper journalist is severely compromised. So instead of going the way of a lot of "journalists" and simply make shit up I chose to keep my mouth shut. How I've managed to do this in the face of the political goings on lately completely befuddles me, since really, this is some of the best comedy to come out of the political scene since Nixon! It really just writes itself. That being said, I've opened a
Twitter account so I suppose I might actually need to, you know, get to work on some of my trademark long winded bloviating. Really shouldn't be that hard since, as I mentioned before, there's no shortage of stuff begging to be peeved. So, let's tear into a couple.
First a programming note. From this point forward, this blog WILL be making use of
colorful metaphors. The English language has these words in them, and I honestly think that, when used in proper context and correctly, lend a lot to the emotion and poignancy of the written word. (As an aside, "tits" doesn't even really qualify anymore so I admit the previous hyperlink is a bit dated, but hey we at the Peeve are nothing if not nostalgic.)
On the personal side, as
many of my loyal Peeve followers are aware none of you know since exactly zero people follow this blog to date, I hate people. I mean this to say, I hate a majority of people. Obviously I like some people, but these are people who have some intrinsic value to the world with their ability to think objectively and not simply absorb and regurgitate what they hear as fact without a thought to the validity or, indeed logic of it. As for the General Population in the country, people are by and large over-opinionated and woefully under-informed dolts, or worse, simply not interested in thinking for themselves. But I digress. We have an underground garage at work. This garage has a lot of spaces. I am not entitled to any of these spaces, so as such I cannot park in there during "normal business hours". I don't work normal business hours, so after hours or on the weekends, I can get in there. This is good, since it's colder then a well diggers ass outside, it's snowing and there are more people who have access to and can fuck with my car when it's outside. Anyway, there are a lot of spaces down there. When I came to work at 8 in the morning today, there was about 10 cars down there (including the one that has been abandoned there since around 2003). I park in any random space near the elevator and go about my business. At the end of the work day 9 hours later, I wander downstairs to see someone has put a sheet of notebook paper on my windshield that reads "this is a private parking space 7 days a week". It was easy to get to this thing stuck to my windshield since there
WASN'T ANYONE PARKED WITHIN 3 SPACES OF MY CAR! So faced with the daunting task of having to park 4 feet over in the next space (which incidentally could have put him 4 feet
CLOSER to the elevator) this fucktard instead takes the time to break out a pen and a piece of paper and write me a note. Words absolutely fail.
A few political points to make.
Newt is victorious in South Carolina! That makes three candidates on top for three primaries. So basically the GOP is still completely rudderless, though this does pretty much make irrelevant Ron Pauls' and Santorums' bid. Ron Paul because there's absolutely no way the GOP will allow Ron to represent them in the general election. If by some miracle Paul became an actual threat to win, (which he won't unfortunately), he'd either be bought off (unlikely, since Paul has actual, you know, convictions and ideas about America) or suffer some unfortunate incident.
And of course, Santorum is just there for comedic value at this point. His latest moment of brilliance had him, in his typical rush to denounce anything not Christian,
stating that “(equality) doesn’t come from Islam. It doesn’t come from the East and Eastern religions, where does it come from? It comes from the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that’s where it comes from.”
Ummm, Dick, err excuse me, Rick? Perhaps if you're going to espouse your Christian values you should have a better grasp on the Good Book, cuz last I checked
Ishmael was the first son of Abraham, and was recognized as one of the
first Muslims. Thus the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is also the God of Ishmael. So those Muslims you're so phobic about? Same God. Guess you're gonna have to base your religious phobia on some other ideal.
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