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Daily Peeve

Monday, October 29, 2007

Heard It On The Newt!

Greetings fellow zombies! It seems only appropriate to rise this blog from the dead in a "Night of the Living Dead"-esque sort of way, incoherent moaning and all! So, without further adieu let us shake off the funk of 40,000 years and terrorize y'alls neighborhood.

On the "Old News that's Still News Cuz I Think it's Still News" front, Our boy Newt is Layin' it down for his peeps. Now, I'm not much of a fan of the former Speaker of the House, but I do have to say that, him being one of the only politicians today NOT running for the White House, he's really opened up and spoke his mind. Further, and you'll find this remarkable coming from someone who generally leans right on issues, he's got a point. Since the ticker tape parades in 1945, this government has done one thing very, very well, and that's politicking issues to a cold, slow agonizing death.

His illustration of the point was excellent and spot on. It took this country 4 years to defeat 3 enemies in 3 theaters across the world between 1941 and 1945. Today, it takes 23 years to lay down 2 miles of concrete at an airport in the state of Georgia!

But, to our esteemed reader, this should come as no surprise. You and I are well aware that this government is broken.

So, welcome back my friends to the show that never ends. I'm feeling motivated at this particular second, so at the moment I'm going to say we're going to resurrect this old beast and start bloviating about all things political, cuz you know, what this world needs is another non-sensical blowhard, and we're happy to deliver the goods.. For the children.


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