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Daily Peeve

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Solar Flare Interferes With Chris Dodd's Crime Filter

If loose lips sink ships, then Chris Dodd, ex-senator and current MPAA CEO has certainly put his good ship Lollypop in danger of getting torpdoed. It is certainly the worst kept secret in the history of the world that politicians mold their policy positions based on who lines their coffers with treasure, but everyone who is involved damn well knows to maintain that cloak of "plausible deniability". That is, until Dodd cold lost it and spilled the beans. Now, to appreciate the gravity of this, one must sit back and consider not only the possibility of bribery charges that might possibly be leveled against Dodd himself, but where that investigation might ultimately lead, and who else might have been caught with their hand in the proverbial cookie jar.

It certainly seems the people are pissed. It took less then a day for the public to compel the White House to swing its baleful gaze toward in Dodds direction.

Stay tuned, cuz I'm thinking some serious shit is about to go down.


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